© OPAL 2022
Application to join OPAL
Please send a message to the Membership Secretary at bashorhan@aol.com; the required details are shown below. You will normally receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours. After your application has been accepted, you will receive details of payment methods. The current rate are GBP 5 for UK members and GBP 5 for overseas (EUR 6 or USD 7). Payment by PayPal may be possible. Items marked * are mandatory:
Name * Address * Telephone eMail address * Collecting interests Philatelic referees (Give the name and address of TWO philatelic referees (OPAL members, other societies to which you belong, dealers etc.)
Members agree to their name and location (NOT full address) being made available to other members of OPAL The personal data held by OPAL is for OPAL administration only and will not be given to third parties.