Some Forgeries in the Harry Hibbert Collection
©Martin Lovegrove 2023
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The collection of Harry Hibbert was auctioned in London by Harmers of London Stamp Auctioneers, Ltd. on 10 and 11 March 1987. The sale included 8 lots of Transjordan items. At the time of this sale, the Arabian Philatelic Association, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, was in its infancy and information about the forged stamps of the Hejaz was not available. It is therefore possible that many collectors of Transjordan stamps were unaware of such forgeries and at least two of these forgeries with Transjordan overprints, and thus bogus items, were offered in the sale. One of the lots was illustrated in the auction catalogue and was clear enough for the item to be identified as bogus and is reproduced here.
Lot 771 1924 (Sept.-Nov.) 1/4p. green, overprint inverted, an u.m. or part o.g. block of 9 (3 x 3), some split perfs., centring varies, some small stains or creasing, mainly on reverse. Cat. £675+ (see photo-plate XXXV) (126a) E £200 The other item, not illustrated, was lot 772: Lot 772 The same variety in an u.m. or part o.g. block of 18 (6 x 3), poorly centred with some small faults. Cat. £1350+ (126a) E £300