The Hejaz-Transjordan Study Group is a group of collectors dedicated to the study of the stamps of the Hejaz
overprinted for postal or fiscal use in Transjordan.
Many catalogues, books, ‘named’ collections etc. contain errors, partial facts and misconceptions and in order to
safely collect these stamps, it is essential to properly understand both the basic Hejaz stamp and the
Transjordan overprint.
The aim of the Study Group is to determine, as much as is possible, the facts pertaining to the stamps of the
Hejaz overprinted for use in Transjordan.
This study is too big for a single person; your help is required.
Please use the ‘Contact’ facility to submit your contributions (whatever their size). It makes study easier if
stamps are scanned at 600 dpi, although 300 dpi is fine for general images.
There is a lot of work to do in order to populate the website with just the basic information, but if specialist
information is donated, that will be added first.
Hejaz-Transjordan Study Group
The investigation into the plate(s) used for the 1924 Official issue requires more images. If you can
help, please contact me. The preferred resolution for investigations is 600 d.p.i. but 300 will be
gratefully accepted.
Much of the information provided on this site is presented in PDF files with images usually scanned at 600dpi.
This was done so that the files could be downloaded to your computer and the inages extracted from the file and
viewed in your software at a resolution suitable for showing fine details. This naturally means that files are large
and take some time to load on this site for initial viewing, but I hope the inconvenience does not deter.
The study of the 1923 (April) genuine overprint has been completed.
The study of the 1923 (September) postage due stamps has been completed.
The study of the 1923 (September) postage due overprint forgeries has been completed.