Transjordan General Information
©Martin Lovegrove 2023
British Commonwealth Revenues, J. Barefoot Ltd., ISBN 0906845726 . Darlow, Major J. J., Trans-Jordan A Straightforward Collection. London Philatelist Volume 41, numbers 485 & 487 (May & July 1932). Philatelic History of Jordan, K. C. R. Souan, various editions: 1920 - 1970 Golden Jubilee 1952 - 1977 55th Anniversary 1920 - 1980 Diamond Jubilee 1920 - 1982 El Dorado Rarities 1920 - 1990 El Incognitos 1920 - 1995 Stampexo Jubilee 1920 - 1997 El Elites Philatelic History of Jordan 1922 - 1953, Ledger, R. T., MBE. Robson Lowe Ltd., The Encyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps, Volume III, The Empire in Asia. The Revenue Stamps of Jordan, Joe Ross & Avo Kaplanian, Joe Ross, ISBN 0967730716. Scott 2021 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue Volume 4 (J-M), Scott Publishing Company The Stamps of Jordan 1920 - 1965, Abed Habib Najjar, Sahara Publications Ltd., ISBN 0953259102. Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue - Middle East, 1st Edition 2018, Stanley Gibbons Ltd., ISBN 09781911304265. Whitfield King & Co., The Standard Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of the World Part I, 1948 & 1949 editions.
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