Transjordan Forgeries
©Martin Lovegrove 2023
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Fiscal Stamps Postage Stamps Home General Contact Forgeries
1. Forged Hejaz stamps . An understanding of these is important. (131MB). 300 dpi version (43.5MB) 2. Forgery of 1923 (April) and 1924 (March-May) 3-line overprint. (version 2 - 11.4MB) 3. Forgery of 1923 (September) postage due overprint. (version 1 - 1.9MB) 4. Forgeries of 1924 (January) overprint. (version 2 - 5.3MB)
5. Forgeries of 1924 King Hussein Visit overprint. (4.2MB) 6. Xerography (laser printer/photocopier). (<1MB) 7. Forgeries of 1924 September - November overprint. (version 1 - 15.7MB)
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