Transjordan Postage Stamps
©Martin Lovegrove 2023
1. 1923 (April) 3-line overprint on Hejaz postage stamp. (version 2 - 14.5MB) 2. 1923 3-line overprint on surcharged Hejaz postage stamp (included with 2). (14.5MB) 3. 1923 (Sept.) 3-line overprint with additional surcharge. 4. 1923 (Sept.) 3-line overprint with additional overprint ﻖﺤﺘﺴﻣ (due) . (version 1 - 17.3MB) 5. 1923 (Sept.) 4 or 5-line postage due handstamp/overprint including surcharge . (included with 4)
The links below (not all active), from text and images, are to PDF files. The approximate sizes of the files are shown.
6. 4-line postage due handstamp/overprint. 7. 1923 (October) 3-line handstamp. (4.2MB) 8. 1924 (January) Single line overprint ‘Arab Government of the East’. (version 1 - 9.7MB) 9. 1924 Official . (35.7MB) 10. 1924 (18 Jan.) Visit of King Hussein of Hejaz.
11. 1924 (Mar-May) 3-line overprint. (version 1 - 5.3MB) 12. 1924 (Sep-Nov) 3-line overprint. (version 1 - 42.1MB) 13. 1925 (2 August) Overprint ‘Arab Government of the East’. (27.4MB)
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